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Pathology of viral diseases of cattle(IBR, Parainfleunza3, Three-day sickness and Papillomatosis
Infectious Bovine Rhino Tracheitis
IBR Explained by Vet John Gilmore
Lecture 40: Rinderpest الطاعون البقري
Two cases of embolic pneumonia secondary to udder cleft dermatitis in dairy cattle...
IBR Prevention in Dairy Calves with Intra Nasal Vaccines and MULTIMIN® 90 - University of Georgia
Malignant catarrhal fever
Pathology of Poultry Viral Diseases
Important gross lesions in bovine diseases
Gross Pathology of the Horse Dr Bruce Williams
Avian pathology
IBR (2nd part) by Prof.A.M.Elsherif 2022-الجزء الثانى من مرض إلتهاب الأنف والقصبات الهوائية المعدى